L. said to me yesterday, "Did you know that water mandrills are omnivores, Mom?"
(No, there is no creature called a "water mandrill." No, my son cannot hit a baseball to save his life, but he knows the difference between an omnivore, a carnivore, and an herbivore. And lately he has been calling himself a "sheep-dog-hippo" and a "rhino-giraffe" and other creatures Dr. Seuss would have a field day illustrating.)
So much happens in my Momming life...and I have not been writing it down here in this blog.
So much so that I am pondering taking a break. I love you dearly, O eight followers, I do, but the truth is it's all feeling like a bit much: my writing blog, popcorn, freelance work, parenting...and something else I have up my sleeve. My dilemma is whether or not to continue Momming.
In Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project, she suggests "giving something up." (I think she had refined sugar or smoking in mind.) I think she's right.
Here's one last photo of the water mandrill, dressed like a tiger, to tie you over 'til we meet again (and we will. Think of this as a hiatus).
Susie (and L.)