Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Drunk Midget in the House

Recently, I read Tina Fey's hilarious book Bossypants. Ms. Fey has a five-year-old daughter whom she references in a chapter called, I think (I promptly lent out the book), "There's a Drunk Midget Running Around My House." Without stopping to think whether that might be offensive to certain society members, I laughed heartily. Like the Angel in the House, the Drunk Midget is misunderstood and frustrated. Unlike the Angel in the House, the Drunk Midget is...your kid. (Is he or she an angel? Be honest, now...)

And so, herewith, my newest blogging venture: Momming. Because that's what I do. My other main venture is writing, which you can read about here: and here:

Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your always insightful, funny and thoughtful words dear Susie! and yes, drunk midget sounds about right sometimes!

Linda said...

I wanted that pic of Leo to be a video!

Susie said...

Thanks, ladies!

Mara said...

Susie, this is great. I love the momming title, and I also like the use of single 'm's for mama.
I totally related to the 'drunken' qualifier (i didn't make it to this chapter yet, but soon...), my little one was clearly 'borrachin' (cute form of drunken) without a drop of alcohol. Just like his mother.
I can't wait to read posts about bedtime wrestling. Just kidding.