Monday, September 10, 2012


First change first: I believe I made it easier to comment on my blog. You used to have to have some sort of profile, but no more--now I am accepting anonymous posts. So, if you'd like to share some thoughts, now is the time. I'd love to know that people are reading!
L, first day of school.
The end of summer, for me, is always a time of change. Since I stopped hating school in the latter elementary years I have found these late August/early September days to be a lovely time of renewal and growth. (I've always found this a bit ironic, since actually, in fall, everything is dying.) Now that I'm on year two of living in the part of Northern California where the seasons are so subtle you barely notice when they flip over, I'm detecting a slight pigmentation change in the leaves, a little more briskness in the air, and a feeling of excitement about what's to come this year: with my writing, with my family, with my teaching. Fall is here!

L. has had a big change: he started preschool. I wasn't sure, quite honestly, what the difference between preschool and his previous daycare situation would be--and part of me lamented switching him, since life at Lorena's was so fulfilling. But a week into a cooperative preschool, I'm so glad we did. I am having a mini-love affair with the whole experience: the consistency of a daily schedule, the quality of the teachers, the nice parents, the cute kids, the sand pile and the art materials and the trains and the animals and the playdough, oh! L. is more stimulated than he's been in months, I am enjoying the community, and the transition has been virtually seamless.

A big change is the cooperative nature of this new school; I volunteer there every Friday. And we all have administrative jobs to do, like fundraising, buildings & grounds, membership. My job? Playdough maker. I repeat: playdough maker.

Here is a picture of my kitchen overrun with vomit-colored goop that was absolutely impossible to mix.

Five minutes later, it still wouldn't budge.

Finally, I wised up and got out the Kitchenaid mixer.

Of course, the biggest changes of all are in L. himself, who is growing up so, so fast. On the first day of school I had this sensation that I'd blink my eyes and find that instead of driving up to the gates of preschool I'd be dropping him off at college. He's tall, he's talkative, and he doesn't want to sit on my lap at circle time. It's all happening so fast. I guess if you love them you just gotta let them grow up, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. 


Pamulah said...

Hallelujah to your last sentence. And anyway, who said motherhood would be easy - just go with the flow and enjoy the ride. And please keep blogging. Even those of us whose youngest children are long gone can relate.

Susie said...

Thanks Pamulah. I happen to know you speak from experience.